
At e-Roof, we're pioneering a new era in roofing solutions. Our mission? To revolutionize the industry by elevating customer satisfaction with the aid of technology and automation. We blend traditional craftsmanship with the latest innovations to deliver unparalleled service and efficiency.

Our Promise to You

Choosing e-Roof means opting for a roofing experience defined by transparency, customization, and quality. We keep you informed with real-time updates and ensure every solution is crafted to meet your specific needs.



Our Service Areas


Customer-Centric Approach

We tailor our roofing solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring personalized service.

Innovative Technology

Our processes are streamlined through automation, enhancing precision and speed from start to finish.

Commitment to Excellence

Quality and innovation are at the heart of everything we do, from selecting materials to executing projects.

Be Part of the Roofing Revolution

Join us on our mission to redefine the roofing industry. For a service that’s as reliable as it is innovative, choose e-Roof for your next project. Contact us today to discover the difference.

We’d love to hear from you!

Fill out the form to get in touch

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Lubbock: 806-696-3274

Midland: 432-618-3374

Austin: 512-649-3374

New Mexico


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